The Best Way to Store Prosecco
The optimum way to store unopened Prosecco is in a cool, dry place. Be sure to keep the Prosecco away from light (whether natural sunlight or fluorescent) as well as heat. In addition, try to keep the storage location consistent. It’s never wise to move Prosecco from area to area with varying temperatures and light. Consistency is always best. Of course, you want to serve Prosecco chilled, just don’t refrigerate the bottle for more than a couple of days. If you are wondering: does Prosecco last opened, you can temporarily store opened Prosecco over ice with a hermetic stopper. If you’re asking - does unopened Prosecco go out of date - here’s your answer: properly stored, unopened Prosecco is at its best when served within a 2-year time frame. If you’re storing Prosecco for a while, it’s best to lay the bottles down to avoid drying out the cork. If it’s for a shorter period of time, it’s fine to store the bottles standing up. Here’s a delicious recipe for leftover Prosecco:Rich and Creamy Prosecco Fettuccine
Ingredients: 4 Tbsp butter 2 cloves minced garlic 3 sage leaves, finely chopped 4 ounces softened cream cheese 2 cups heavy whipping cream 2 cups flat Prosecco 1 cup grated parmesan (Fresh is best) 1 cup crumbled gorgonzola ⅛ tsp grated fresh nutmeg 1 pound fettuccine 1 cup water ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes Salt and pepper to taste For Topping: Fresh parsley Grated Parmesan